Save upto 80% on your favourite digital services

Spend less, Enjoy more

Splitgenie is the safest all-in-one solution to share your digital subscription plans and your monthly expenses

Share any digital subscription

+ many more

How it works

Share your subscription with just a few clicks

Select the digital service you want to share, indicate the number of slots available and its price. You will then get an invite link.

How much can you save?

What is the monthly subscription cost?


How many slots are shared?

4 slots



per year

We've got you covered






SplitGenie is a group payment platform that allows you to save upto 80% on your digital products and services by sharing the expense with your family, friends, roomamtes and colleagues.

You can use SplitGenie in two ways, as a host and as a joiner. As an Host, you can share a multi-user/family subscription account by creating a group. As a Joiner, you can join and share subscriptions owned by someone by complying with the terms of the group.

Yes, it is legal to share a subscription. The product or service providers themselves allow and offer mult-user plans. Those are plans that, while being more expensive than basic plans, offer users a wider range of features which can be shared among multiple users, provided the terms and conditions for the use of each specific digital service are respected.

SplitGenie is the safest platform to manage payments for these sharing groups and make them easier and more secure for everyone.

We don't believe we invented the concept of sharing at SplitGenie. Most of us were tired of sharing our digital subscriptions and never getting paid in return or tired asking again and again for the payments. On the other end so many of us could not afford costly digital subscriptions alone.

SplitGenie provides a platform that allows us to do all these in the safest and seamless way possible. If you want to start sharing without having to constantly remind your group members to pay their monthly share or you want to afford a digital subscription without burning a hole in your pocket ... you've come to the right place!

We haven't started signups yet. We are putting some final touches to our product to provide the best experience to you guys.

Meanwhile you can join the waitlist and you'll be the first one to be notified. You won't be disappointed.

You can reach out to us anytime at